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Especially in the early stages of sugar beet development, the risk of yield loss due to weed competition is critical. Therefore, sugar beet must be kept weed-free until the end of the row. A clean field also simplifies the harvesting process.


This is what your EC-Weeder for weed control in sugar beet might look like:

  • 12 rows
  • Row spacing 50 cm
  • IC-Light camera control for fatigue-free work day and night

The combination elements with the EC-Space tool setting are mounted on a profile frame and equipped with chopping knives and protractors on the rigid holder for working between the rows.

Hydraulic lifting of the combination elements and finger hoes ensures less crop damage at the headland.

EC-Weeder sugar beet

Mechanical weed control

Find your individually configured chipper for weed control in sugar beet.

Mechanical weed control
Mechanische Unkrautbekämpfung

Chemical weed control

We configure the belt sprayer for your needs.

Chemical weed control
Chemical weed control


Weed Control Technology & Weeder Harrow Thulit

Here you can find all info for download

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7.62 MB

Weed Control Technology & Weeder Harrow Thulit

Here you can find all info for download


Weeds in sugar beet

Depending on the previous crop, different weeds occur. Goosefoot, cleavers, orache and knotweed appears regularly. In crop rotations with maize the millet spectrum, amaranth, and gallant soldier develops well; cereal rotations are marked by black grass and volunteer grain.

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Expertin Crop Care Sarah Wolf

Sarah Wolf

Product expert Crop Care
