Intercrop seeding

Sowing catch crops
For most farmers, sowing catch crops directly as they cultivate their stubble is the easiest approach, as it avoids an additional pass and reduces working time, effort and costs. This is why LEMKEN now offers a combined pneumatic intercrop seeder for its cultivators, compact disc harrows and hoeing machines. This allows farmers to utilise the optimal time for sowing and benefit from immediate erosion protection.
SeedHub 5
The ideal seed drill for your stubble cultivator
The LEMKEN SeedHub ensures precise distribution even in windy conditions. For this purpose, the seed is conveyed via the fan to the baffle plates of the individual sections and, as recommended, evenly distributed on the soil surface in front of the roller or into the soil flow. It can be combined with all LEMKEN compact disc harrows, the Kristall and Karat cultivators and the hoeing machine EC-Weeder.
SeedHub 5
Do you still have questions?
Our experts will be happy to answer your questions, just send us an e-mail!

Johannes Kisters
Sowing expert