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LEMKEN Nachhaltigkeit

For LEMKEN, sustainable action in all areas is the basis of healthy corporate development.

We are guided by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, which we implement through responsible action in economic, ecological and social terms. In this way, we achieve long-term corporate growth, for the people of today and for the world of tomorrow.

We are also committed to the German Supply Chain Responsibility Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG).This regulates corporate responsibility for compliance with human rights and environmental protection along the entire supply chain.

LEMKEN ökonomisches Handeln

Economic action for long-term growth

Our business activities are not geared towards generating profits in the short term. We plan for the long term and preserve resources. This maintains our innovative strength and secures the future of the company and its employees.

[SDG #8] Decent Work and Economic Growth

For us, fair working conditions and economic growth go hand in hand. At LEMKEN, companies and employees work together as partners for the benefit of both sides. That is why our family-run company has grown continuously since it was founded in 1780.

LEMKEN as employer

[SDG #9] Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Our innovative products originate from the vision of profitable and environmentally responsible agriculture. Our product developments and our company expansions are subordinate to these goals. But it is not only our machines that are innovative. We continuously develop our production standards and invest in modern facilities and infrastructure.

Our products

Autonomous work with Combined Powers

LEMKEN ökologische Verantwortung breit

Ecological responsibility for the world of tomorrow

We are aware of the scarcity of natural resources and climate change and want to leave our descendants a world worth living in. Therefore, we use the resources available to us as sparingly as possible and continuously improve our products and their manufacturing processes with this in mind. Our products are designed to be particularly durable and can always be repaired thanks to a guaranteed supply of spare parts.

Climate protection at LEMKEN

[SDG #7] Affordable and Clean Energy

Industrial production such as LEMKEN's naturally has a high energy demand due to the complex processes involved. We have invested a lot to generate as much energy as possible ourselves and to reduce the need for fossil fuels. Our energy management system continuously checks and improves our energy demand and utilisation.

Saving energy with a system

[SDG #12] Responsible Production

Our energy concept ensures that no heat leaves the buildings unused. But our buildings are also already designed to operate with low energy consumption. Our vehicle fleet has been converted to electric operation as far as possible. An energy management system is in place and the team behind it continuously monitors and improves all measures.

Using heat sensibly

[SDG #13] Climate Action

With the constant expansion of renewable energies in our company, we actively contribute to climate protection. However, we also invest in research and development on arable farming methods that bind CO2 in the soil. In addition, we support various climate protection projects with our partners in development aid projects.

See projects

LEMKEN Soziale Verantwortung Sammelbild

Social and societal responsibility towards people

From the fact that we are doing well as a company, we have a responsibility for those who are disadvantaged, whether economically, climatically or socially. We are happy to fulfil this responsibility and contribute to improving living conditions with small and large measures.

LEMKEN as employer

Social projects

[SDG #5 & 10] Gender Equality & Reduced Inequality

Man, woman or diverse - all employees can do the same work and have the same earning and career opportunities. Of course, we only pay according to qualifications and job description.

Attractive salary

[SDG #3] Good health and well-being

Our employees are offered a wide range of benefits to promote and maintain their health. In addition, there are working time models that allow sufficient time for recreation and for families.

[SDG #4] Quality Education

Qualified new talent moves the company forward. That is why we take the future into our own hands and train young people in many different professions every year. We work closely with universities, supervise final theses and facilitate career entry after graduation. Once firmly established in professional life, many further training opportunities are open to our employees.


[SDG #2] Zero Hunger

As an agricultural machinery manufacturer, fighting hunger is our corporate purpose. All our products have been and continue to be designed to make farming more efficient and easier and to increase yields. In this way, we contribute to food security all over the world, including in poor countries.

It is also important to us to help people improve their living conditions so that they can earn a decent living on their own. Together with our partners, we create the framework conditions for this.

Social projects

[SDG #17] Partnerships to achieve the Goal

To ensure that our aid reaches where it is needed, we work together with competent local and international partners such as Missio or Plan International.

Social projects

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations

  • [SDG #1] No Poverty
  • [SDG #2] Zero Hunger
  • [SDG #3] Good Health and Well-being
  • [SDG #4] Quality Education
  • [SDG #5] Gender Equality
  • [SDG #6] Clean Water and Sanitation
  • [SDG #7] Affordable and Clean Energy
  • [SDG #8] Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • [SDG #9] Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • [SDG #10] Reduced Inequality
  • [SDG #11] Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • [SDG #12] Responsible Consumption and Production
  • [SDG #13] Climate Action
  • [SDG #14] Life Below Water
  • [SDG #15] Life on Land
  • [SDG #16] Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
  • [SDG #17] Partnerships to achieve the Goal

What's behind it?

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Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations
