Mechanical weed control

Mechanical weed control has become an integral part of agricultural practice. This technology is now part of everyday life – not only for organic farms. Conventional arable farmers are also relying more and more on mechanical weed control. This is only partly due to government regulations, as the use of hoeing machines and harrows also offers numerous agronomic advantages. It has additionally been proven that mechanical approaches promote root growth and improve crop development.
Our machines for mechanical weed control impress with customised solutions for all requirements, from classic row crops to highly specialised vegetable crops.
The advantages of mechanical weed control
- Saving water
- Breaking up crusted soils
- Interrupting capillarity
- Releasing nitrogen
- Promoting mineralisation
- Reducing the use of chemical crop care products
One weeder for all needs
Hoeing machine EC-Weeder
A true all-rounder among hoes! Suitable for all crops that are grown in rows, individually and location-fairly configurable.
Precision for old and new
Parallel steering frame EC-Steer
Whether EC-Weeder or third-party machine - Easy steering and perfect insertion of the hoe for precise use in the field!
Dam(n) good technology
Earthing up machine EC-Ridger
Tthe perfect combination of subsoiler, hoeing discs and earthing-up bodies! For shapely, clean and stable ridges and healthy crops.
All-round carefree hoeing machine
Hoeing machine IC-Weeder
Easy and automatic weed control thanks to the intelligent camera system! For precise and fatigue-free work day and night.
A row ahead
IC-Weeder AI
Hoeing at the highest level! Reliable weed removal in and between the rows even under unfavorable conditions with the help of artificial intelligence.
IC-Weeder AI
Even against the smallest weeds
Weeder harrow Thulit
The Thulit weeder harrow optimally complements the hoeing technology and makes weed management a success factor for arable farming. It enables the early use of mechanical weed control.
Do you still have questions?
Our experts will be happy to answer your questions, just send us an e-mail!

Sarah Wolf
Product expert Crop Care