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Responsibility in the supply chain

Since 1 January 2024, LEMKEN has fallen within the scope of the German Supply Chain Responsibility Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG). This regulates corporate responsibility for compliance with human rights and environmental protection along the entire supply chain.

What does that mean?

For this purpose, various due diligence obligations have been defined that companies must fulfill. The focus here is on Supplier Risk Management.

  • Check global supply chains
  • Carry out a risk analysis
  • Set up preventive and corrective measures

Code of Conduct

Responsible, lawful and sustainable behaviour is the basis and safeguard for our company's success.

This Code of Conduct is intended to demonstrate our values and basic principles to our business partners and public bodies. LEMKEN is committed to ecologically and socially responsible corporate management. We expect the same behaviour from all our business partners. We also expect our employees to observe the principles of ecological, social and ethical behaviour and to integrate them into the corporate culture.


Code of Conduct for download

Here you will find the Code of Conduct in German and English.

File type:
899.25 KB

Code of Conduct for download

Here you will find the Code of Conduct in German and English.


Complaints management system

According to the requirements of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) and the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG), a company has to establish a whistleblower system. This should enable natural persons to report information or indications of human rights and environmental risks or violations to the company. Regardless of their relationship with LEMKEN, every person has various reporting channels at their disposal. Reports can be submitted anonymously if desired.

  • Whistleblower portal whizzla
  • By e-mail to compliance@lemken.com
  • By telephone 02802 81 600
  • By post to:
    personal / confidential
    LEMKEN GmbH & Co. KG
    Complaints office
    Weseler Str. 5     
    46519 Alpen 