- Automatic intra-row hoeing machine for vegetables
- Single plant recognition due to camera images
- Active hoeing knifes move between the plants in one row
This is how your IC-Weeder for lettuce could look like. It covers 5 rows with a row distance of 28 cm.
- Underneath the cover are 3 cameras mounted for the single plant recognition.
- The field of vision is illuminated with LED lights.
- A compressor provides the pneumatic pressure to move sickle-shaped knifes actively intra-row, so between the plants in one row.
- The inter-and intra-row tools are mounted on an parallelogram element to follow the contour easily.
- The support wheels guarantees the correct working depth of the knifes, and via the side shift-frame the machine is steered precisely between the rows.
Find out all your options to customize your IC-Weeder for your needs.

- Row width minimum 25 cm
- Plant distance minimum 20 cm
- Driving speed up to 4 km/h
- Weeding up to 2 cm close to the crop
- Several cameras, each covering a field of view of 60 cm
- Detection of green hues and the RGB-colour spectrum
- Remote service for direct support
The cameras are covered to avoid shades through natural sunlight. Instead, the field of vision is illuminated with LED-lights, for high quality camera images. The camera makes high resolution pictures in green hues or the RGB-colour spectrum, every camera covers a field of vision of 60 cm. The images are transferred to the job computer and visualized on the terminal.

The touchscreen terminal processes the camera images into precise steering signals. From the camera image, the plant size and the expected plant position, the actual plant position is calculated. This steering signal is transmitted to the sliding frame to follow the rows correctly and to the active hoeing knives to remove the weeds within the row. With the touch-screen terminal the job computer is controlled. The operation of the IC-Weeder via the terminal is very easy and intuitive, but extra help is accessible via remote service.

The side shift is based on a parallel steering frame, which transfers the steering signal to correctly follow the rows side-warts. The machine position can be moved hydraulically 15 cm to the left or the right.

The two support-wheels correct the height of the machine hydraulically, and provide the speed-signal to the job computer. They also ensure the side warts stability of the machine.

Für flexible Reihenbreiten: Die Elemente werden über robuste Verbindungen an einen 80 x 80 mm Profilrahmen geklemmt und lassen sich so leicht an verschiedene Reihenbreiten anpassen.

The parallelogram element is equipped with three tool holders for the inter- and intra-row tools. The front tool holder is fitted with a hoeing knife on rigid holder for working between the rows. Two sickle-shaped knives are mounted behind it to remove the weeds between the plants within the row. The element is suitable for row widths of 25-40cm.

The parallelogram element is equipped with four tool holders for the inter- and intra-row tools. The front toolholder is fitted with rigid or vibro-holders with hoeing knives for inter-row work. Two sickle-shaped knives are mounted behind it to remove weeds between plants within the row. The element is suitable for row spacing >40cm.

Behind the element, cleans the crop of dust and soil by means of a blast of air.

Optionally, the weight of the element on the floor can be reduced by a pneumatic cylinder.

Precise knife that cuts the weeds superficially. Swivels into the row on both sides. Its curved shape allows you to work as close as possible to the plant. When closed, two knifes overlap each other so that all weeds are removed.

Do you still have questions?
Our experts will be happy to answer your questions, just send us an e-mail!

Sarah Wolf
Product expert Crop Care