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Next Level Farming

LEMKEN magazine for trends & technology in agriculture

Magazine for agricultural trends & technology

As Your Partner for Next Level Farming, LEMKEN would like to contribute to accelerating the development towards sustainable agriculture with its innovative ideas as Agrovision Company.

In our magazine, we keep you up to date on everything to do with agricultural technology and farming. Basic knowledge, expert reports, the latest scientific findings and useful information for you about our machines. And we have the future firmly in our sights.

Wind erosion

Soil erosion – Protecting the soil from flying & flowing away

What types of soil erosion are there, what are their consequences and how can they be avoided?

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Zwischenfruchtanbau zur Bodenoptimierung

Intercropping for soil optimisation

Learn all about the benefits, sowing, nitrogen and water supply in intercropping.

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LEMKEN: Who is good with whom and what does the soil say about it, during crop rotations?

Crop rotations – what is good with which and what does the soil say?

Crop rotation is not a mystery, but actually just the chronological sequence of crops grown on one and the same agricultural area. The more diverse this crop rotation is, the more varied the agricultural landscape will be.

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