Executive Management
Leading by teamwork
LEMKEN’s corporate decision-making processes are characterised by transparency and prudence. This ensures that our business processes remain flexible and efficient.
Nicola Lemken, seventh generation, company owner and board member ensures that our business remains anchored in family traditions and retains its independence. Anthony van der Ley, our CEO, bears responsibility for our operative business.
Nicola Lemken - Partner
Viktor Lemken - Partner
Anthony van der Ley - CEO
Yves Dejardins - Head of Sales
Burkhard Sagemüller - Chief R & D
Dr. Geoffery Weisner - CFO
Udo Otrzonsek - COO
Peter Walkenhorst - CIO
B. Sagemüller, U. Otrzonsek, Dr. G. Weisner, V. Lemken, N. Lemken, A. van der Ley, P. Walkenhorst, Y. Desjardins