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SoilTour episode #5: Soybean cultivation in the Lower Rhine region

This time, the destination of the soil tour are the farms of Klaus Genneper and Rainer Dierkes in the Lower Rhine region. Both own an arable farm and together they run a farm shop where they sell their production, which is processed into animal feed, among other things. Here too, in the Lower Rhine region, there are variable soil conditions, which means that Marie not only visits a soybean field in a light soil, but also loamy soil with a high clay content in which a Rubin 9 works.

Bodentour Folge 5 Niederrhein Marie Hoffmann auf den Höfen von Klaus Genneper und Rainer Dierkes
Bodentour Folge 5 Niederrhein Soja Anbau

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Soybean from the Lower Rhine

  • Managers: Rainer Dierkes and Klaus Genneper
  • Farm size: 120 ha each
  • Crops: soybean, rapeseed, maize, cereals
  • Heterogeneous soils from sand to clay to loam soils
  • https://niederrhein-soja.de/

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