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SoilTour 2021


The soil is one of the most natural elements in our life, we rarely think about its importance. On the other hand, farmers are daily aware of the importance of soils, because: Without soil, there is no agriculture!

We take the farmers’ perspective and have started a SoilTour through Germany, in which we look closely at the diversity of soils.

What is the goal?

We want to depict a cross-section of soils in Germany, the special characteristics, requirements and different properties, always from the farmer’s perspective.

Who is part of it?

(Bild Marie)

The tour was led by Marie Hoffmann, an agricultural influencer. She drove across Germany and visited farmers and contractors who are particularly concerned with the soil and/or do special work with the soil.

What awaits you?

The result is 10 videos with 9 farms, 10 different soil samples and insights from the respective farms, which we present here in a loose sequence.

Watch the videos (verlinken auf YouTube oder Artikel)

  • #Episode 1: Contractor in Lower Saxony
  • #Episode 2: Ploughing in Oelde on very heavy soils
  • #Episode 3: Soil cultivation in specific areas of southern Lower Saxony
  • #Episode 4: Sowing on volcanic weathering soils in Hessen
  • #Episode 5: Soybean cultivation in the Lower Rhine region

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