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The skimmers with different share lengths ensure blockage-free ploughing even under difficult conditions.

  • The special shape of the shares minimises wear and increases the service life. Their mode of operation let the soil to flow very well.
  • The specially shaped mould boards turn the soil neatly into the furrow bottom.
  • A plastic mould board is available for sticky soil conditions and soils which apply little pressure to the skimmer.

Adjustment without tools

  • Working depth and angle are set independently of each other without tools.
  • The working depth is set using a pin on the flat stalk.
  • As a result, all skimmers on the plough are set uniformly without the need for further alignments or measurements. The angle is unchanged as depth is amended.
Skimmer adjustments without tools

No twisting

Juwel skimmers are fitted with strong flat stalks connected to the frame by two bolts.
The flat stalk prevents the skimmer from twisting.
Skimmers can be quickly removed if not required.


Trash board as an alternative

  • For more space between the plough bodies trash boards are mounted directly on the leg.
  • They can be set over a wider range and ensure blockage-free work and the neat insertion of plant material.
  • Trash boards are also available in plastic for sticky soil conditions.
Trash boards

The right skimmer for every plough

Juwel 6

  • For light to heavy soils
  • Ploughing of stubble, grasslands, etc.
  • Individual adjustment possible due to wide range of settings
  • For extremely sticky soils, the plough bodies are also available as synthetic version!
Skimmer D1

  • For light to heavy soils, grasslands etc.
  • For ploughing fields with large amounts of trash or vegetation
  • Individual adjustment possible due to wide range of settings
Skimmer DS0

  • For light to heavy soils
  • For ploughing fields with large amounts of trash or vegetation (intermediate crops, maize straw, etc.)
  • Individual adjustment possible due to wide range of settings
Skimmer M3

  • For light to heavy soils, for ploughing fields with large amounts of trash or vegetation (intermediate crops, maize straw, etc.)
  • Individual adjustment possibilities due to wide range of settings
Skimmer M2

Juwel 7-10, Diamant & Titan

  • For light to heavy soils, ploughing of stubble, grasslands*, etc.
  • Individual adjustment possible due to wide range of settings
Skimmer DS1

  • For light to heavy soils, grasslands* etc.
  • for ploughing fields with large amounts of trash or vegetation
  • Individual adjustment possible due to wide range of settings
Skimmer DS0

  • For light to heavy soils
  • For ploughing fields with large amounts of trash or vegetation (intermediate crops, maize straw, etc.)
  • Individual adjustment possible due to wide range of settings
Skimmer M3

  • For light to heavy soils
  • for ploughing fields with large amounts of trash or vegetation (intermediate crops, maize straw, etc.)
  • Individual adjustment possibilities due to wide range of settings
Skimmer MS2

  • For light to heavy soils
  • for ploughing fields with large amounts of trash or vegetation (intermediate crops, maize straw, etc.)
  • Individual adjustment possible due to wide range of settings
Skimmer MS1

Do you still have questions?

Our experts will be happy to answer your questions, just send us an e-mail!

Plowing expert Martin Kannen

Martin Kannen

Ploughing expert
