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Sales partner for training at LEMKEN

How do I successfully advise a farmer on a LEMKEN implement, how is a plough correctly adjusted or how is systematic fault diagnosis carried out? Future-oriented farmers are much better trained today than many years ago. They are also facing more diverse challenges, which in turn lead to higher demands in terms of sales advice, spare parts supply and service.

With our modular training system we make our contribution so that you, as a LEMKEN sales partner, can ensure that your employees receive a sustainable qualification.

Take the opportunity to train your sales and service team further and let us show our customers, farmers and contractors, that we not only write LEMKEN consulting and service, but also put it into practice.

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Have we aroused your interest?

Then we look forward to welcoming you to a training course at our AgroFarm training centre. Register right here to receive further information and to be able to book training courses for yourself and/or your employees.

Training System

